Friday, August 8, 2008

I Forgot to Name This Entry, But Then Corrected That Mistake

This is a biplane that lives at Sky Harbor airport.

I didn't take a biplane - I took jetBlue.

It was the first time I've flown jetBlue, which was neat.

The most notable thing for me about was that they sold their headphones for $1.

I decided to spring for them and they're pretty decent for only a buck.

The second most notable thing is that I didn't actually find their seats all that comfortable.

As mentioned, I spent most of Monday swimming and figured that I'd be pretty dead and would sleep on my red eye flight.

Instead, I was mostly overtired and didn't fall into sleep all that easy.

Boo, complaining!

I like jetBlue's style, though, and I'll be flying them into Chicago in a few days.


Right now, it's Friday afternoon - 4:43pm.

I met up earlier with Bll and Stcy at McManus (19th Street and 7th Avenue).

McManus is the pub that UCB folks used to go to back when they were in their old theater space. Even though they moved and are technically farther away, it's still a favorite haunt.

By default, we usually end up making a visit during DCM weekend. For the past couple of years, we've made a habit of meeting out of town friends there before the kickoff press conference. It's just a good way to gather a lot of scattered folks in one place.

Anyway, Grg Ind, Hrs, and Chrs of The Sickest Fucking Stories (Chicago) met up with us there, too.

It's always sweet to see Grg, who in addition to improvising and teching shows, digs traveling and taking awesome pictures.

The fellers of ColdTowne (minus Arthr who won't be in New York this time around) made it at the tail end of our little soiree, and then we all decided to head over to the theater.

The trio of Phoenix people (Mck and Trvs are stuck in Dallas; Jnn and Mrk don't get in until Saturday) headed over to the Holiday Inn we're staying at.

The DCM Press Conference has started, but we're just cleaning up a little before we head over.

It's going to be a long, but fun weekend!


I'm listening to Treasure Mammal's fantastic album, You Wish I Was Channeling Your Spirit.

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