Monday, August 4, 2008

Chirpity Chirp Chirp

Another realm of keeping up with me is via Twitter: .

I enjoy the Twitdom because it's pretty ideal for short random bursts of words.

Also, who cares?

I miss you already.

It will all make our destined reunion that much sweeter.

Also, feel free to read up because, at some point, influenced by the wispy whisper of Shiva, I might tear these words from their mountings and chuck them into the volcano.

In junior high, the cheerleaders had a cheer that went like:

Raaaaaise yooour hands
Isaac Cougars can't be beat!

I know that because I just got up to stretch and it triggered that memory.

Such is Twitter - quick flashes of something.

This will be more along the lines of capturing those quick flashes, blowing them up like balloons, and then sending them off.

Are they filled with merely hot breath or helium?

We'll see.

Hug people, things, and ideas for me!

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